A Little Bit About Me

Hi, my name is Valerie Stevens. Ever since the day I saw my first musical at age 2, I have known that I wanted musical theater to be part of my life. I performed in a musical for the first time at age 7, and that's when I fell in love. Since then, I have performed in over 30 productions and decided to make a career in "show business".

Now I am a sophomore working towards my Bachelor of Music in Musical Theater at the Westminster College of the Arts of Rider University. One of the greatest advantages of my school is the connections it has with professionals in the business. Our professors have had successful careers and are teaching us how to follow in their footsteps. The networking our program allows us to do is a unique experience that I believe will help me in the future.

My program is also helping me enhance the positive characteristics I already possess while teaching me new ones. I am easy to work with, professional, and not afraid to take risks in my performing. I take direction and criticism well and am learning the most effective ways to apply feedback in order to get the best possible outcome. I learn music, choreography, and memorize quickly, and am also very versatile. I can sing both classical and contemporary works, dance a range of styles, and transform into virtually any character. Being able to play a wide range of roles gives me more opportunities to get a job.

I know it's not going to be easy, but I am extremely dedicated and passionate about this career and am ready to do whatever it takes to be successful. My ultimate goal is to perform on Broadway. I also hope to join Actor's Equity and become a member of Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. Another goal of mine is to always stay grounded and remember where I came from. And most importantly, I promised myself that I will only continue in this career as long as I love to perform. Without pure passion for this art, it is nothing but someone standing on a stage singing. I want to breathe life into every performance so that it brings as much joy to the audience as it does to me.

1 comment:

  1. Valerie-
    I think you did a great job presenting your portfolio! First off you have a beautiful voice and i was glad i got to hear some video of how you sing. I thought it was a great idea that you chose a video of you singing broadway like songs, one of you doinf a duet, and one fo you alone...it shows you can "do it all" or that you have done it all which shows you have experience.

    I think as a performance arts student you really shows everything you needed to in your portfolio because as you said in your presentation-potential employers want to see performance art jobs you have done and you showed a lot. I saw that you added pictures/ more head shots like we suggested which is great

    one suggestion i have since this is going to be your proression is that you make a separate link on your side bar to a page possibly on google docs with a variety of head shots and pictures of you in performaces, i have friends in the industry and i know they have tons so the more the better!

    i liked how you included your family at the end as your support system, it shows sensitivity and that your a warm hearted person. overall i was really impressed with what you had to offer during your presenation! good luck with everything!
