Alpha Psi Omega

At Rider University I am an active member of the Tau Eta cast of the honorary co-ed theater fraternity Alpha Psi Omega. This group puts on several small and large scale productions each year which gives the performing arts students even more opportunities to put what they're learning in the classroom into action. These productions are also a great opportunity for people to learn the technical arts of lighting, sound, stage management, costumes, set design, hair, and make up. Being in the cast and on the production crew of these shows have helped me to become a more well-rounded performer and have taught me to have more respect for the hard workers behind the scenes. Another large aspect of this organization is community service, so we do a lot of fundraising for different charities and we give our time to different service projects. I feel that being a member of this organization will help me in my future not only by giving me performance and technical opportunities to broaden my horizons and hone my craft, but also by giving me a respect for my community and a moral standard to hold myself to. I am excited to see what experiences this organization will lead me to in the years to come.

When you first join Alpha Psi Omega, you have to participate in a New Member Talent Show. This gives you a chance to share your talents with the other members of the group. For my Talent Show I sang a duet with a friend called "I Still Believe" from Miss Saigon. I chose to perform this piece so that I could show my ability to harmonize and hold my own part while singing with someone else. I believe it is a good representation of what I can do as a performer.

"I Still Believe" - Valerie Stevens from Valerie Stevens on Vimeo.

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