Fire Safety PSA

During the spring semester of 2010, I took a communications course in Voice and Articulation. The course taught me how to take proper care of my voice and how to make it sound the best it possibly can both in person and in a recording. I learned several vital lessons that will help me keep my voice healthy and powerful throughout my career, including personalized warm-ups, how to nurse my voice back to health when I'm sick, and how to neutralize my regional dialect so that I can start with a clean slate. After taking this course, I am confident that I can get through an entire show without my voice feeling tired or sore afterward. I also feel prepared to take on any vocal quality or dialect that a director gives to me for my character.

This class also showed me that I could branch out into another area of performing; voice overs. Learning how to match the tone of my voice to the tone of the message showed me that I could make an impact with my voice alone. One of the voice over projects we had to do was creating our own public service announcement. We had to choose the topic, put together the visuals, write the script, and record the vocals. I chose Fire Safety as my topic because my Father is a firefighter and has always stressed the importance of knowing how to prevent a fire. Also, college students don't always remember to take the precautions they were taught in their childhood. A unique aspect of this project is the fact that we presented our scripts live in front of the class and our classmates gave us constructive criticism. Then we had to go back and rewrite our scripts, taking their critiques and applying them to our projects. This is proof of my ability to listen, take criticism well, and apply it. In my final PSA, I tried to target an audience of my peers with the script, pictures, and tone of voice that I used, and I hope this message helps to save people in the future. Here is my PSA on Fire Safety...

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