The Ash Girl

During the spring of 2010, Alpha Psi Omega put on a production of Timberlake Wertenbaker's play "The Ash Girl". It is a dark twist on the classic Cinderella story where the human characters are tormented by the seven deadly sins and their sister, Sadness. Each sin lives in the forest in the form of an animal ready to attack the human race. Their goal is to destroy mankind and for evil to triumph; but in the end, good beats evil once again. I played the role of Angerbird, one of the sins. The costumes, hair, and make-up that went into this role were very extreme and dramatic. These photographs are proof that I can pull off heavy make-up and play strange characters of fantasy. Here is Angerbird Headshot 1 (shown top left) and Angerbird Headshot 2 (shown bottom left).

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